Current Challenge

Drink @ least 8 cups of water every day.
See post here
for more details.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Dear friends and blog-stalkers,
{haha, yeah right. Blog-stalkers... this blog?}

I am so sorry that I've slacked in blogging. Oh well... life goes on.

1st- One of my New Year's resolutions is to exercise 3x/wk to maintain more consistency in my routine. SO far, so good. even if I have to just do a few strength workouts before bed to make it count... it still counts!

2nd- I'm thinking about starting up the fitness classes again on Tuesday and Thursday nights. If I'm going to do it two nights a week, there will be a small (and I mean super-small) fee just to help keep me motivated to continue the classes. Once a week I'd probably be more willing to do free, but the second class will require a super-minimal fee. I mean, I technically am a personal trainer, so this is a gi-normous deal for you! I just love working out with friends and helping people fall in love with themselves again!

3rd- I think I'm going to try and post more regular fitness facts or answers to questions. What kind of questions do you have? Please comment and leave them and I will answer all of them! It will also help me to be more regular with blogging.

4th- I've still maintained my weight at a happy medium. The "contest" has kinda' dissolved (we totally just forgot about it) but at least I haven't gained anything! That's a plus! {C'mon, gotta' be positive!}

5th- No, there's not really anything else to say. I just wanted to post another number 'cuz 5 sounds like a nice round number of points.... or whatever. :P

So, post your questions and tell me if you want to do the class and what day/time would be best for you. Depending on the interest we might be able to do more classes throughout the week. I don't mind one bit as long as it fits into my schedule! I love all those who came and love making more friends always, always, always!

Hope to hear from you soon!

Your friend and trainer,

Coach Karisa