Current Challenge

Drink @ least 8 cups of water every day.
See post here
for more details.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I feel HUGE!

I'm really really just mad right now.

This is my last month:
* No energy.
* Out of breath, weak, and tired oh-so-easily when I run or do anything. {If you know me... this is not like me!}
* I'll call it "24-hr bloated-ness"
* No longer fit into my regular jeans 'cuz I'm too big.
* My "fat pants" are getting really tight on me.
* Headaches that really bug me more often than I'm used to.

I seriously just want to cry...

I need someone to kick me.

If I could afford to get a personal trainer to just yell at me and keep me on track I would, but there is no way I could afford that.

I'm having a really frustrating time with this if you can't tell.

I have never felt out of shape more in my life. Even when I weighed 15-20lbs heavier I was still able to run easier and had more energy than I do now. What is my problem?

I need help. Please!


Amy Lee said...

You don't know who I am, but I am a friend of Leah's. I know how to loose weight. Low glycemic index foods. That means cut out the sugar and what turns into sugar quickly. No candy, chocolate, cookies, even bananas. No white breads or white rice. Eat food that are nutritionally good for you like vegetables raw and lightly steamed or sauteed in coconut oil, eggs, meat, and an apple a day. Then exercise even just 2 miles of interval walking/jogging everyday except Sundays. I have 30 pounds to loose. Go for it!

Karisa Tomkinson said...

I just realized... this is the month I got pregnant. So... at this point I was about 3 weeks along. With all the initial changes, this could've been why I was starting to feel this way.