Current Challenge

Drink @ least 8 cups of water every day.
See post here
for more details.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My goals

This year I have several goals. I feel they are reasonable and attainable as well. Three or four of my 13 resolutions for the year are fitness related. They include:

1. 120 lbs
2. Break 20% body fat
3. Run/do a race/fitness competition
4. Do a handstand unsupported

Starting weight is about 141 lbs. My scale says my body fat is about 29-30% (at the beginning of the year). I can do a supported handstand for about 15-30 seconds, although I haven't actually timed it.

I got a gym membership for a meager $12/month at a gym that had everything I need to succeed. I have gone every morning this week so far.

No failing this time around.

I'm doing it.

(Photo was taken December 29, 2012.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! it's been a while since i've last checked your blog! glad to see more posts :D
i have some similar goals, so i'll be sure to follow along! i used to want to do a fitness competition, but knowing my personality, i know i would have an even more unhealthy relationship with food than i already do! i'm currently trying to listen to my body's hunger cues- and continue eating clean. i love working out, so that's not an issue. food is my best friend/worst enemy ;)
looking forward to following your journey!