Current Challenge

Drink @ least 8 cups of water every day.
See post here
for more details.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 12, 13, & 14

Day 12- Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X
Day 13- Didn't do... I know I'm a slacker.
Day 14- Rest/Stretch Day

Legs & Back was done in the evening and I didn't use any weights because I was in a hurry to get it done, sad as that sounds. Also I'm going to be making a few changes to benefit me more.

I had to take an extra day off because I'm getting a bit too overwhelmed between Graduate school and forcing myself to do an hour+ of working out everyday. I may back down a bit with P90X and do it only every other day and incorporate more of the YMCA, running, etc. into my workouts to relieve more stress for me. (I need to start running somehow again... it's my release.)

In addition to that, I really want to do my training again with a few of my friends. We are going to be doing a workout/circuit group on Tuesday Nights. I'm excited for this. I can only do so much working out in one day and shouldn't dread it. If it is bringing me more stress than joy, I need to step back. I still plan on working out intensely daily, but I just want to do what I WANT TO DO each day. Is that bad?

I also want to begin just eating "clean". My sister in law is great with this, but I have a much harder time at it. No preservatives, food colorings, additives, etc. to foods. I eat like this most of the time anyway, but I need to do it regularly.

I'm continuously improving and working to be better each day! I can do this!

Oh- and I forgot to weigh in this morning... I'm ok with that though. Ha ha!

1 comment:

Brittney Burton said...

You are so amazing! How do you eat so healthy? Any good recipe ideas because I always feel that healthier recipes are so bland. Also any good ideas to get rid of my relief society arms as some would like to call them.