Current Challenge

Drink @ least 8 cups of water every day.
See post here
for more details.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm still HERE!!!

Yes, I'm still here. I've been having a hard time with the stress of school lately. {See: HERE}

I HAVE completed the full first week of P90X!
I'll do more of a write-up about it later though.

I weighed-in this morning.

Current weight: 132.4lbs.

Not much of a great weight loss, but it's something.
Also, I did a lot of stress eating yesterday and some on Saturday. {Not binging, but a lot of munching...} That probably influenced it.

I have my measurements from last week too. I wrote them up on my bathroom mirror with a white-board marker and that is where they have remained since. I'll transfer the information into a blog as soon as I get the chance.

I'm excited for the improvements I'm seeing though. I was sore all day yesterday and stretched out some this morning. {I haven't done my workout yet due to studying till 2am last night.}

I did Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X on Friday.
Cals Consumed: 1211 cals
Cals Burned: Don't remember exactly... somewhere in the 800's though.

I did Kenpo on Saturday.
Cals Consumed: 1687 cals
Cals Burned: 702 cals

Sunday was my Rest/Stretch day.

I feel so happy that I've completed a week thus far. I know that there are more people who check this blog out that just those who've commented... I've had some people e-mail me, talk to me face-to-face about it, etc. Let me know what you're doing though. It doesn't have to be what I'm doing, I just want to know that this is encouraging others to get moving.

Okay,... back to school now.
I'll post later tonight after my work-out.

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